Monday, December 26, 2011

Gift Delivery

            Back: left to right:  Bryon Kimber, Captain Dave Cunningham and Engineer Chad Lewis
            Front:  5-year old Christina, 6-year old Anthony and 3-year old Draedon

Santa asked the Golden Valley Firefighters to make a delivery to a special family this season for 5-year old Christina, 6-year old Anthony and 3-year old Draedon while Mom and Dad stood by. Firefighter Bryon Kimber, Captain Dave Cunningham and Engineer Chad Lewis made the special delivery in person after the gifts were purchased by the Golden Valley Firefighter Association and wrapped with care by Administrative Manager Faye Morcom. Chief Tom O’Donohue said this is one of the most rewarding parts of serving the community, seeing these little faces light up when they received gifts they otherwise would not have been able to enjoy.  Golden Valley Fire chooses a family each year for this special delivery via the fire engine to brighten the holiday season for children in the community.