Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Fire Chief Thomas O’Donohue from the Golden Valley Fire District announced today that he will be relaxing the fire restrictions that did not allow the use of charcoal briquettes during the recent “Red Flag Warning” issued by the National Weather Service. Red Flag Warnings are announced when the potential for extreme fires are present. Low humidity and high winds precipitate such warnings according to O’Donohue. In lieu of restrictions, the Fire District will embark on an education campaign warning of the hazards associated with charcoal briquettes. Curt Hardy, Board Chairman said the District wants Golden Valley Citizens to enjoy the upcoming holiday weekend with fire safety in mind. While the Fire District maintains the right to restrict recreational type fires within the District, O’Donohue said he wants to apply reasonableness regarding restrictions and education as a prevention tool for the community. For those who are careless and start fires, there is always the civil liability for starting a fire that damages homes or property that can turn a holiday weekend into a disaster for all involved. For any questions regarding fire restrictions, call Station-11 at 565-3479 or visit them on the web at