Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Assistant Chief candidates down to five

Golden Valley Fire District announces they have narrowed their list down to five finalists to fill the vacated Assistant Fire Chief position.  Fire Chief Thomas O’Donohue said the District will be conducting final tests and interviews of the five finalists April 15th, 16th and 17th.   Candidates will have to complete the District’s strict physical ability tests know as the TPT (Task Performance Test) and the Pack-Test to prove they have physically what it takes to be a Golden Valley Firefighter.  The Board of Directors wasted no time in appointing Thomas O’Donohue, then the Assistant Fire Chief, to take the reins as Fire Chief and lead the Fire District in a continued progressive direction after Paul Hewitt resigned for a position in Utah.  The nationwide search drew 42 candidates, and through a two-month long process; the list is now down to five finalists from across the Country.  The District will host a “Meet and Greet” at Fire Station-12 at 439 S. Egar Road Friday April 15th at 6:00 pm for all the department members and the community to meet and provide input on the finalists.  Chief O’Donohue plans on making a job offer by April 21st with a starting date of May 16th.