Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Golden Valley Citizens Beware of Wild Dogs

Wild dogs in Golden Valley have been around for quite some time. Known as Feral dogs to most, these dogs have been spotted throughout the valley. Although no attacks on people have been reported, the animal control officers have received many calls for attacks on other dogs and livestock to include a recent attack on a Golden Valley resident’s donkey that had to be put to sleep due to the severity of its injury’s. Animal Control informs us there are two packs of feral dogs in the valley, one pack being on the north end of the valley and the other on the south.

The main cause of the feral dog pack could not be pinpointed but many think abandoned pets and runaway pets may be the leading contributor. Pack sizes have been seen by residents varying from 8 to 15 per pack. Most of the feral packs look like mix bred dogs and tend to be quite skinny. Animal control suggests getting your pets spayed or neutered and to keep other pets and livestock fenced in. In case of a sighting or an attack on a family pet or livestock citizens are asked to contact the Sheriff’s office. People should also carry some sort of protection if walking through the desert and should not purposely approach any feral dog.

By: Jake Trowbridge/Golden Valley Firefighter