Monday, January 31, 2011

Griffith Energy Contract

Like many fire departments; the Golden Valley Fire District is faced with a shrinking budget as assessed values continue to decrease. With this; the Board of Directors have been doing what fire departments across the country are; exploring optional funding to meet the needs of the community in an effort to leave the fire taxes where they are. Chief Thomas O’Donohue said; “Emergency medical and fire suppression costs are on the rise, as well as calls for service. In addition to in-house money saving programs, we are looking for alternative funding sources”.
One such funding source is a recent contract between Golden Valley Fire and Griffith Energy. This contract will bring $295,000 a year into the Fire District for the next five years. In addition; provisions in the contract allow for an adjustment upward if the Fire District provides an operational fire station within 5-miles of the facility. O’Donohue continued; “Since Griffith Energy is just outside the District boundary; we had two choices: enter into a contract and provide services, or back up a private provider who would call for our assistance”.
Griffith Energy Plant Manager Mike Hartsig says: “We had to make a decision between four organizations competing for the contract, although not the least expensive option, the services provided by Golden Valley Fire provided the best overall fit for our needs . In addition; we want to have a positive relationship with the community in which many of our employees live.” said Hartsig. Chief O’Donohue said a significant portion of the contract will be used to bring improved training to the firefighters that meets the specific needs of Griffith Energy and enhances emergency services to the region. The result is a superior trained firefighter, which benefits our community on every single emergency incident. With the long safety record of Griffith Energy, the District will receive a substantial benefit of stable income, training, and a hand in their continued success in our community.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rash of structure fires hit Golden Valley

Golden Valley Fire District has been quite busy over the last month with an abnormal amount of residential structure fires. Sunday’s fire came on the heel of three others in the last month. The fire Sunday was reported to 9-1-1 at 1:54 pm at West Miramar Road. Residents reported smoke from underneath the home and evacuated the residence. Firefighters immediately went under the home and discovered a fire that was just about to turn tragic. Chief O’Donohue commented that it was fortunate that this was during the day when the owners were awake and smelled the smoke, adding: “The best insurance is a properly working smoke detector”. Firefighters worked for over an hour inside and under the home to remove most of the insulation and dismantle portions of the furnace to track down the cause of the fire. Investigators remain on scene to determine the cause. Although the occupants will be displaced for several days, there were no injuries to report.